While installing “ownCloud” web services, the post installation checklist noted that WebDAV services did not appear to be enabled, check configuration instructions. Consequently, the installation would not conclude.
I googled and found the above article and proceeded to enable each LoadModule and the Include for httpd-dav.conf file as shown in Step 1. Load WebDav in Apache Server, and Step 4. Restart the Apache Service. It was unnecessary to perform steps 2, 3, and 5 shown in the article.
STEP 1. Load WebDav In Apache Server. WebDAV comes with Apache server 2.x, you just need to enable it. Edit “%APACHE_PATH%/conf/http.conf“, un-comment the following load and include statements by removing the leading # hashtags. Use Notepad++ to edit the file: http.conf
LoadModule alias_module modules/ LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/ LoadModule authn_file_module modules/ LoadModule dav_module modules/ LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/ LoadModule dav_lock_module modules/ LoadModule setenvif_module modules/ # Distributed authoring and versioning (WebDAV) Include conf/extra/httpd-dav.conf